Month: January 2015

The dream team

Last Sunday I attended 2 services in 2 different churches, I either am an addict of churches or am a church hopper. I am still chewing on that, I would like to believe I am neither of the 2 but hey, attending 2 services in a day is not normal, right? Interestingly, both these services left me with a similar message, a build up to last week’s blogpost (you can read last week’s post here). (more…)

A year of wisdom and tact

I love how a new year brings hope to many of us, it is almost like we have a clean slate and we can write a new story. As 2014 came to an end, I realized it was one of the hardest years I have gone through in the recent past. It had its amazing moments, but all in all it was a tough year. Yet I can confidently say ‘all that the enemy meant for evil, God has turned for good’. There were many land mines in 2014, many moments when the enemy threatened to destroy my soul, to destroy my destiny, to derail me from the plans God had in stock for me. But God stood in gap through it all. This song makes a lot of sense, ‘Mercy said no, I am not gonna let you go, when darkness threatened to steal my joy, my peace away, Mercy said no’ (more…)