The change I want to see

How survival mentality has taken the church away from its core mandate!

The beauty of running a start-up is that you see the world through lenses that you ordinarily would not. One of our current struggle at LLA is where to hold our meetings! Each time we schedule a meeting and especially if it is for the wider group, my first headache is where we will hold the meeting. Our default meeting point has become church as many of our forums are on weekdays or on Saturday (and even this is never easy to get). As I have searched for a church that can host us, I have been heartbroken at how inaccessible the church has become (physically and otherwise). I will explain. (more…)

Love is Hard!

Today we held a training for the Lapid Leaders Council (LLC). LLC is the governing body that the graduates from the 3-month program transition to so as to enlist into our mission to raise an army of the next generation of African Leaders. Anywho, while we were praying after the LLC training, I felt God leading us strongly to this verse,  1 Corinthians 13: 1-3″If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn’t love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing. If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing.” (more…)

Don’t quit your job!

Ever heard this theory that for you to live out your purpose you must quit your job? Okay if you have not heard the theory, everytime you have a ‘purpose conversation’ with a coach or people living out their purpose, do you feel like they are silently advocating for you to quit your job; they may not say it loudly but the people they interview have quit their jobs and so you feel the pressure to do so as well. You feel its impossible to discover your purpose while at the workplace or settings you currently are in? I have met people from developed nations who feel like they need to visit a third world country to connect with their purpose. (more…)

Before we accept and move on…

We forget too fast. I forget too fast. Much as the events of last week had a significant impact on many of us, we seem to be quickly moving on; ‘accept and move on’ is our mantra. I know a month from now we will have almost fully forgotten the pain we felt last week. I know that probably the heightened security checks will probably have gone back to being lax. I know we will all stroll back to the malls again. It is what makes us an interesting people. We are very resilient. That means that we forget some things, and that’s perhaps not too bad a thing right? (more…)

This animal called negative ethnicity…time to deal

This issue called negative ethnicity has been on the lips of many Kenyans. For good reasons; the just ended elections seem to have brought out this disease that resurfaces every 5 years (or is it an ever-present disease that just gets a face every 5 years?). (more…)

America is no longer the greatest country

We have been urged to get back to normal biz as we await the results of the elections, so normal biz it is. That includes my blogging I guess. I do hope we are not still stuck in front of TV or perhaps social media waiting for the results. We did our part, God is in control so chill pill it is.

One of my favourite things to do is watching series’ (especially those series’ that just cause me to be up all night glued to my TV). (more…)