Month: May 2014

Don’t settle for less

So last week the events of this my dear country caused me to take a detour (see this post) from this amazing romance story of Ruth and Boaz. I am excited to be back at jotting the lessons the Lord placed in my heart as I meditated on this hot romance! The word of God is truly sharper than a double edged sword if I think this is a hot story!

Al Shabaab, Boka Horam and the likes

I am going through the book of Samuel and yester I read this amazing story of how Jonathan goes to war with Philistines just accompanied by his armor bearer. Yep, he was walking into a war just by himself, pretty shady move if you ask me. Let’s take a few steps back to see what leads a man to such ‘madness’. (more…)

My Alehandro is dead…press panic button!

Ever been in a situation where you are very sure you do not want to hear from God over a specific circumstance in your life? Today I was. I did not want to hear from God on anything concerning my desire to get married. I felt too weary to ask for direction regarding this and felt we had spent enough time on the subject. However, I have learnt God has a sense of humor.