Month: October 2016

The Faith Currency

The last few weeks have been nothing short of interesting, too much has been going on. Most of what has been going on has been hurdles that I could do without, but these hurdles visited and they keep hatching other hurdles. As I have gone through these hurdles, my mind has kept thinking about this blog. I have thought about the 10,000 blogs that I have written on my head, I have thought about all the beautiful things that were destined for this blog but which were aborted in the head, and in the end I have realized that I missed blogging. So for the nth time this year, I have committed to do better. The good news is that the blogs are now being typed, now to being consistent. Nothing like a good hurdle to get you back to your first love. (more…)

Hurricane Haiti’s of Life

Last Sunday, I sat next to a lady who in between the service told me that I should not visit malls this week. She told me that her brother worked in the US Embassy, and had gotten a notification that a terror attack was imminent. This lady was a stranger so I was a bit taken aback by the way she dropped this bombshell, but I managed to sober up and tell her that we would pray for the nation. In the recent past, I have had a strong sense that our country is standing on the shoulders of prayer warriors. I committed to be one of these warriors and pray for the nation. (more…)