He is Awesome

My rememberance stones….

I am in the process of transitioning into and out of several things. The thing I am learning about transitions is that they are a mixed bag of exciting and scary. Exciting because the world of what God can do is endless; scary because the world of unknown is wide open and often gives birth to a world of fear. So each day I have had a different feeling about the transition. However, increasingly, in the last few days fear has had a good grip at me, I have doubted myself, I have doubted God and in the process been a bag of panic far too often. (more…)

Bridal shower moment

Over the last few weeks I have posted blogs on the lessons I learnt from the book of Ruth (see->>Letting go of the perfect guy image, if in doubt of his character, run; and when you are tired of the wait). I could go on and on with this amazing story. However, this is the last post I will be making in this season over this. As I post these last observations, I am thanking God for His word; it truly is food to my soul. This story has not only encouraged me, it has renewed my faith in God, that in His time He makes ALL things beautiful. So here are the observations that tag at my heart. (more…)

I am a lucky girl

2012 was one of those years that I saw God in every bend of the way. My highlight was discovering gifts that I did not know I had. Then there was the part of Lord directing my paths so clearly that the verse of ‘thy Word is a lamp unto my feet’ was very real for me. At the end of that year, when I sang this song “If I had 10000 tongues that wouldn’t be enough to say thank you” it was with heartfelt gratitude. (more…)

Lineage of Grace

One of my all-time favorite authors is Francine Rivers, I love the way she takes scripture and converts into such relatable fiction stories. Her book, Redeeming Love, introduced me to the world of reading fiction and I have never looked back. To date my library has a good selection of fiction books, some that I could read and reread and never tire of. Yet as if one book was not enough, a couple of years ago another of her books sneaked into my all-time favorite books list, Lineage of Grace. (more…)